Rovira, Lluís

Academic Director. Director of evaluation at AGAUR
Rovira, Lluís
Academic Director. Director of evaluation at AGAUR

Director of evaluation at AGAUR (Catalan Agency for University and Research Grants), Generalitat of Catalonia. Previously and for 13 yeras, Director of CERCA, public institution devoted to coordinate, support and facilitate the research activity of 40 R&D Institutes in the area of Barcelona.
He’s worked on research management and evaluation since 1992 at the Generalitat of Catalonia.

He’s promoted, among other issues, the institutional evaluation and the Knowledge and Technology Transfer of CERCA institutes by coordinating some of their actions addressed to develop their own policy, patent technologies, create spin-offs, and disseminate their technological offer among investors and enterprises. Regarding this issue he created the Ginjol-CERCA Patents Fund. He also promoted the creation of the CERCA infrastructure platform (CERCA Ginys).

He is experienced EU evaluator of HRS4R (Euraxess), British Concordat and European projects.

He’s PhD on Biology by the University of Barcelona, 1998 and Master in diplomacy and external action by IBEI (UPF), 2015.

Arguimbau, Llorenç

Consultant and professor at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Arguimbau, Llorenç
Consultant and professor at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Consultant specialized in scientific information, among others, of the Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST), the Bioinformatics Barcelona Association (BIB) and the Banking Foundation “La Caixa”.

Collaborating professor at the Universitat Oberta de Catalonia (UOC) since 2007. Coordinator of the Observatori de la Recerca de l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans (2003-2016).
He has participated in various research projects with state and regional funding. In addition, he has published journal articles and studies on scientific areas (medicine, microbiology, chemistry, documentation, etc.); documentary typologies (doctoral theses, articles, etc.); R&D&I systems (Reports de la recerca to Catalunya).

Doctor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), with a doctoral thesis on scientific and technological information (2010); Bachelor’s degree in Art History (1998); and graduated in Biblioteconomy and Documentation (1992) from the University of Barcelona (UB).

Badía, David

Managing Director at FRCB-IDIBAPS
Badía, David
Managing Director at FRCB-IDIBAPS

Managing Director at Fundación de Recerca Clínic Barcelona-Institut de Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer (FRCB-IDIBAPS).

With more than 25 years of experience in the R&D sector in Catalonia, he began his activity in 1997 at the Institute of Food and Agricultural Research and Technology  (IRTA), where he developed as Head of Administration and Treasury and, later, as CFO. He has managed differente research centres and infrastructures: National Center for Genomic Analysis CNAG (2010- 2013), and the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalunya IBEC (2013-2023). He has been a member of the Board of Trustees of 4 research centers.

Degree in Business Administration from Pompeu Fabra University (1999) and a Management Development Program at the ESADE Business School (2009).

Bertero, Michela

Strategy Director at IDIBAPS
Bertero, Michela
Strategy Director at IDIBAPS

Strategy Director at the Agusti Pi i Sunyer Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBAPS) in Barcelona (Spain).
She oversees the strategic plan of the institute, and coordinates diverse areas, including technology transfer, science communication, scientific career development and training, as well as the technology platforms and laboratory support services.

Previously, she held the position of Head of International and Scientific Affairs at the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) in Barcelona. Her department´s mission was to strengthen the international and interdisciplinary dimension of the institute and create new opportunities for the scientific community by fostering new strategic partnerships and alliances. She played a fundamental role in the creation of the European Alliance in life sciences, called EU-LIFE (, that she represented in the European Open Science Policy Platform advising Commissioner Moedas. She also coordinated the H2020 project ORION on Open Science. Prior to joining the CRG, she worked as postdoctoral researcher in molecular and structural biology at the Gene Center of the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich (Germany), and at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver (Canada), where she focused on the functional and structural characterization of large macromolecular complexes.

Michela holds a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology from the University of Pavia (Italy), where she studied transcription regulation in bacterial motility.

Arocena, Miguel A.

General Manager at Ikerbasque
Arocena, Miguel A.
General Manager at Ikerbasque

General Manager at the Basque Foundation for Science IKERBASQUE.

He started his professional career in 1992 as a teacher in the Department of Graphic Expression and Engineering Projects at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). He leapt to private sector in 1997, where he performed for over a decade positions of direction and management in companies of engineering, die casting and fabrication of components for the automotive sector. He decided, as General Manager, and together with Dr. Carreiras, as Scientific Director, create the Center for Basic Research and Excellence in Cognitive Neuroscience (BCBL) in 2009. After 14 years at BCBL, in 2023 he assumed the responsability of leading Ikerbasque.

He has been a member of the evaluation panel of different research centres of the Catalonia network CERCA and is currently also an external advisor and evaluator of the European Commission for the HRS4R Initiative for Human Resources Management in Research.

PhD in Industrial Engineering from the  UPV/EHU, Master in Business Administration MBA from Deusto´s University of and Specialist in Management in Tech Transfer by ESADE.

Bustos, Regla

Technical Advisor to the State Research Agency
Bustos, Regla
Technical Advisor to the State Research Agency

Technical Advisor to the State Research Agency.

Her tasks in scientific management began in 2015 after joining the General Sub-Direction of Research Projects as Area Manager. She has participated in the evaluation and follow-up of calls for R&D&I grants, including those of the State Research Plan or the Severo Ochoa Centers of Excellence among others.

During her doctoral thesis and her first postdoctoral stay at the Carlos III Institute of Health (ISCIII, Madrid) she worked on various aspects of immunological cell metabolism as well as in the biology of the human Respiratory Syncytial Virus. Postdoctoral researcher at the John Innes Center (Norwich, Uk) where she worked exploring the biotechnological applications of starch. After a research phase at the National Center for Biotechnology (CNB, Madrid) studying the regulation of gene expression in plants, she joined as a staff researcher in 2009 the National Institute of Agricultural Research (INIA, Madrid) where she continued her work focusing on the analysis and modification of potato starch characteristics.

This long research career has resulted in numerous relevant scientific contributions in the form of international impact publications as well as a licensed patent.

Dr. Regla Bustos obtained her PhD in Biological Sciences in 1992.

Carnie, Chris

Co-founder of Factary
Carnie, Chris
Co-founder of Factary

Co-founder of Factary. Expert in fundraising.
Chris is a researcher, consultant and trainer in philanthropy and fundraising. He has worked in the non-profit sector since 1980, initially as a fundraiser in the UK. He was a researcher in the House of Commons 1982-84 working on rights for people with disabilities. In 1990 he co-founded Factary, Europe’s leading fundraising research agency.

Today he is a consultant, working with international NGOs on philanthropy programs and large donors (“strategic donors”). He has experience in philanthropy and fundraising in Europe, Latin America, Africa and the Arab Emirates.

Chris has been involved in the development of philanthropy in Europe since 2000 through philanthropic associations (Impact Europe, Philea and others), and fundraising associations (he is an honorary member of the Chartered Institute of Fundraising, and a member since 2003 of the Spanish Fundraising Association).

He is a teacher in fundraising masterclasses, co-creator of the online course “Fundraising with Major Donors in Europe”, and a teacher in fundraising in a Master’s degree at the University of Barcelona. Chris is the author of “How Philanthropy is Changing in Europe” and other fundraising books, articles and blogs.

He studied BSc Hons at the University of Southampton.

Comella, Joan X.

CEO at VHIR Institut
Comella, Joan X.
CEO at VHIR Institut

CEO at the Vall D’Hebron Research Institut (VHIR) and Scientific Director of EATRIS España 2009.
He combines his scientific activities as IP of the cell signaling group and apoptosis with the management of the center that centralize (brings together) all the biomedical and innovation research carried out at the Vall D’Hebron University Hospital in Barcelona, the major of Catalonia.
He has been Vice-rector of research, third cycle and new technologies of the UdL (1995-2000), Director of the National Agency for Evaluation and Prospective of the Government of Spain (2004-2005), General Manager of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) of the Government of Spain (2005-2006), General Manager of the Fundació Catalana per la Recerca i innovation, FCRI of the Generalitat de Catalunya (2007-2009) and Director of the Institut de Neurociències de la UAB (2007-2009).

Graduate and Doctor of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Barcelona (UB). He has also conducted training in management at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and at IESE-University of Navarra. Professor of Histology from the UdL since 2002 and from the UAB since 2007.

Díaz, Aïda

Management at AGAUR
Díaz, Aïda
Management at AGAUR

Management at Generalitat of Catalonia, she works in the Internationalization Area of ​​the Agency for Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR) since 2008.
She has participated in different research projects in the field of public administration and local government and has completed several research stages in England, Denmark and Mexico. She has worked in different research entities. She provides guidance, practical information, training and assistance on all aspects of participation in different European and international research programmes. She also coordinates several European projects from AGAUR. She has been a member of the Spanish delegation in different EU Research Work Programme Committees in Brussels (Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions, International Cooperation, Science and Society or Social Challenge 6).

Bachelor and Diploma in Research Proficiency (DEA) in Political Science and Administration (International Relations) from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

García, Jose Luis

Research Professor at the CSIC Center for Biological Research
García, Jose Luis
Research Professor at the CSIC Center for Biological Research

Professor of Research at the Centre for Biological Research (Madrid) of the CSIC and leader of the Environmental Biotechnology group. In addition, he is Acting Director of the Institute of Integrative Systems Biology (I2Sysbio) mixed institute of the CSIC and the University of Valencia (Scientific Park, Paterna).

He has worked as a professor at the UCM and as Head of Research Group at the company Antibiotics SA.
His research expertise focuses on various aspects of the fields of biochemistry, genomics and biotechnology with more than 300 publications between articles and patents with an h-index of 53.
He has held various positions in scientific policy as National and European Programme Manager at CICYT and other ministries, such as EXPLORA Program Manager of MINECO and the IED, as Assistant Director-General for Research at the CSIC, as Advisor in the Ministry of Science and Innovation and Collaborator of the Secretary of State for R&D&I, and National Representative of the ERC Programme of the European Programme H2020.

He has been founder and President of the Spanish Biotechnology Society. He is currently a Member of the Science, Technology and Innovation Advisory Board, and CYTED Program Manager (Area 3. Industrial Development). He has founded three companies dedicated to genome analysis (Lifesequencing S.L.), genetic diagnosis (Secugen S.L.) and bioprospecting microorganisms (Darwin Bioprospecting Excellence S.L.).

PhD in Chemistry and Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry and Pharmacy from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM).

Guerra, Luis

Spanish Delegate on the EIC Committee of Horizon Europe
Guerra, Luis
Spanish Delegate on the EIC Committee of Horizon Europe

Spanish Delegate on the EIC Committee of Horizon Europe and National Contact Point.
Innovation Policy Department at CDTI.  Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities.

Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering with over 20 years of experience in R&D&I at the European level, both from the perspective of research and management. He started by writing proposals and executing collaborative research projects within the VI Framework Programme for R&D&I in the field of passive vehicle safety. At the beginning of the VII Framework Programme for R&D&I (2007), he shifted from research to management and began working at CDTI as a National Contact Point and Spanish Delegate for the SME program. Since then, VII Framework Programme (2007-2014), Horizon 2020 (2014-2020), and Horizon Europe (2021-2027), his work has involved negotiating with the European Commission and other countries on the work programs for these SME instruments and facilitating access to them by informing and advising Spanish tech startups and spin-offs seeking to apply.

During his time at CDTI, he has continued writing proposals and executing European coordination and support actions (nine in total, two as coordinator). He has also accompanied Spanish companies through their application processes to EIC programs (e.g., Spanish EIC plug-in or welcome space support) and has helped design and test national support programs before deployment (e.g., interview simulations or the National Seal of Excellence call).

Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering (Mechanical Engineering specialization), Polytechnic University of Madrid.

Kogon, Boaz

Responsible for sustainability at Milne AgriGroup
Kogon, Boaz
Responsible for sustainability at Milne AgriGroup

Responsible for sustainability for the agri-food company Milne AgriGroup, based in Perth, Australia.

Previously he was Associate Director of RMIT Europe in Barcelona, ​​responsible for research and innovation, developing strategic alliances across Europe, including two large Marie Curie COFUNDs with over a hundred co-supervised PhD positions between Australia and Europe. He has also been responsible for strategic development for nine years at the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology and has been a consultant in the development of strategic plans and large institutional projects in numerous research institutes.

His core expertise lies in strategic planning and organisational development, including communication, marketing, technology transfer, project management and HR functions, as well as transitional projects such as implementation of business systems and local networks of institutional collaboration.

His broad education includes a BSc (Information Technology and Molecular Biology), a BA (Japanese and Mathematics), and an MSc (Economics of Science and Innovation).

López, Javier

Director of Social Impact Santander Universities
López, Javier
Director of Social Impact Santander Universities

Director of Social Impact Santander Universities and expert in technology transfer.
He has extensive experience as an expert in technology transfer and science management, working as a consultant for relevant research centres in Catalonia, Galicia and Madrid, as well as for other institutions linked to the world of Research in Spain, Mexico, Chile and Colombia. He has been vice president of the Spanish Association of Foundations and director of the Fundación Barrie, from which he promoted, among other subjects, an intense activity of support to the scientific career and the transfer of technology, emphasizing the launching and management of one of the first proof-of-concept funds of our country (Science Fund). Previously, he has held other positions related to technology transfer (FEUGA, Fundación Empresa Universidad Gallega) and venture capital specializing in technology-based companies (UNIRISCO, UNINVEST and Fund Undertake).
He has participated in training programs related to the in strategic management and social leadership at IESE and is a regular Professor of the Master of Banking and Finance at the University of Santiago de Compostela.

Degree in Economics from the University of Santiago de Compostela.

Malagrida, Rosina

Head of the "Living Lab for Health" at IrsiCaixa
Malagrida, Rosina
Head of the "Living Lab for Health" at IrsiCaixa

Head of the “Living Lab for Health” at IrsiCaixa, which aims to establish and facilitate systemic innovation networks where different actors work on complex and persistent health challenges to increase their collective impact. They contribute to transforming the health research and innovation system by making it more open, inclusive, collaborative, and distributed, with a transdisciplinary and systemic approach. They conduct research and consulting, using participatory research processes for strategic planning, training, and facilitation of multi-actor innovation processes. Over the past 15 years, they have participated as principal investigator in more than 10 EU-funded projects related to RRI (Responsible Research and Innovation), transdisciplinary research, and systemic innovation.

She combines this activity with training that she offers in undergraduate and postgraduate courses at the University of Barcelona and the UOC, as well as in other research centres, universities and innovation agencies, training more than 6.500 researchers and innovators.

Degree in Chemical Sciences from the University of Barcelona, Master in Scientific Communication from the Imperial College London, with a scholarship from the Obra Social “La Caixa”, and Postgraduate in Strategic Direction of Communication by ESADE.

Marcipar, Javier

General manager at CIMNE Tecnología
Marcipar, Javier
General manager at CIMNE Tecnología

General manager at CIMNE Tecnología, since 2011.
He has started his professional career in 1999 as a researcher at the International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE) where he has specialized in inflatable structures. He has created his own company spin-off in 2001, Buildair Ingeniería y Arquitectura S.A. devoted to the design, manufacturing and world-wide marketing of large scale inflatable hangars. Since 2011 he is the Managing Director of CIMNE Tecnología, S.A, a company created to transfer scientific technologies developed as a result of research to the market through the creation of spin-off. His professional profile is a technological entrepreneur in the industrial sector and specializes in technology transfer models and processes related to science in engineering. He has extensive experience in the creation of technology-based companies, industry-oriented innovation processes and the financing of new companies.

Civil engineer from the National University of Rosario in Argentina and Master in Business and Technology by La Salle in Barcelona.

Mayer, Katja

Sociologist at the University of Vienna, Department of Science and Technology Studies
Mayer, Katja
Sociologist at the University of Vienna, Department of Science and Technology Studies

Katja Mayer is a sociologist at the University of Vienna, Department of Science and Technology Studies. Her research examines the interactions between social science methods and their public spheres, focusing on the cultural, ethical and socio-technical challenges at the interface of computer science, social sciences and society. In addition, she is Senior Scientist at the Center for Social Innovation in Vienna and Associate Researcher at the University of Vienna’s ‘Responsible Research and Innovation in Scientific Practice’ platform. She is also a member of the Open Access Network Austria’s core team, co-heading the ‘National Strategy for the Transition to Open Science’ working group.

Méndez, Raúl

Co-founder of Research Marks Analytics
Méndez, Raúl
Co-founder of Research Marks Analytics

With 20 years of experience in bibliometric analysis, he has developed his career as a researcher in the field of bibliometrics and within various organizations dedicated to science management.

Since 2020, he has been the co-founder of Research Marks Analytics, a company specializing in bibliometrics and scientific data analysis, based in Barcelona. His company is known for creating the ONE Research Community platform, which offers specific services for researchers, including access to bibliometric indicators, global partner searches, and researcher benchmarking. His work in advising for the Severo Ochoa and María de Maetzu Centers of Excellence programs stands out, demonstrating his ability to support excellence in scientific research.

Degree in Biology from the University of Barcelona. MBA from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.

Molina, Jon

Deputy Director at the IMDEA Materials Institute
Molina, Jon
Deputy Director at the IMDEA Materials Institute

Deputy Director at the IMDEA Materials Institute and Full Professor at the Technical University of Madrid.

Before joining IMDEA in 2008, he was a researcher at CEIT (2003-2007) and a postdoctoral researcher at Linköping University (2002). He has also held visiting research positions at Intel Corporation (2003), Arizona State University (2015) as a Fulbright Scholar, and at the University of Texas at Arlington (2019). He is an internationally recognized expert in micro- and nano-mechanics, being a pioneer in conducting such tests under extreme environmental conditions (high temperature).

He has received various grants and awards, including the Fulbright Senior Research Scholar (Salvador Madariaga, Ministry of Education, 2015), the I3 program (2008), the Torres Quevedo program (2003), and international predoctoral fellowships from the Basque Government (1998-2002). He was also awarded the 2018 Excellence Award from Carlos III University of Madrid and the “Best Paper Award in JOM 2018” by the Structural Materials Division of TMS.

He has published over 180 articles in leading journals in his field (including Scientific Reports, Acta Materialia, Scripta Materialia, Composite Science and Technology, Nanoscale), and his h-index is 49 (Scopus). He has participated in more than 40 research projects (24 as Principal Investigator), funded by regional, national, and European competitive programs, as well as by companies (ITP Aero, Acciona, etc.). Additionally, he has coordinated two collaborative projects: the European Marie-Curie-Skłodowska DYNACOMP project and the regional MAT4.0-CM project in the area of additive manufacturing.

PhD, University of Cambridge, 2002.

Morales, Mónica

Head of central facilities at the Center for Genomic Regulation
Morales, Mónica
Head of central facilities at the Center for Genomic Regulation

Head of central facilities at the Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG, Barcelona).
She worked as an associate researcher at the BioMedical Research Institute (IRB, Barcelona, 2007-2012), studying the function and therapeutic potential of metastasis tumor suppressor genes. Project manager at the Genomic Regulation Center (CRG, Barcelona), where she was subsequently appointed as head of central facilities (2013-present). She is responsible for the operational and financial management of the basic facilities program (which includes 7 basic facilities and 2 internal services), while ensuring the provision of cutting-edge technologies and services and coordinating network and network activities spread among others.
Represents the CRG in the EU-Life Alliance (eulife.EU) central facilities working group.

Monica Morales completed her doctoral studies (Barcelona, 2002) and moved to Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (New York, 2002-2007) where she performed a postdoctoral tour on DNA damage signaling pathways and repair mechanisms.

Nagore, Arkaitz

Director of Management and Legal Affairs at MPC
Nagore, Arkaitz
Director of Management and Legal Affairs at MPC

He is currently the Director of Management and Legal Affairs at the MPC-Materials Physics Center Research Association, based at the Center for Materials Physics in Donostia – San Sebastián. He began his career in the private sector and later developed his professional activity in entities belonging to the public sector, especially those dedicated to research activities.

He holds a Law degree from the Public University of Navarre and completed the Master’s in Legal Practice and the Master’s in Business Law at the University of Deusto. Subsequently, he completed a specialization program in International Trade Law offered by UNED in collaboration with the University of the Basque Country.



Pola, Emilià

Executive Director of ICREA
Pola, Emilià
Executive Director of ICREA

Executive Director of ICREA, the Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies.
He was the first director of the CERCA programme, and before that he was advisor to the Ministry of Universities and Research. He was the managing director of ACER, the Catalan Association of Research Entities, of which he later on became Secretary of the Board. For five years he was the General Director of IDIBELL, a large hospital research centre.
He has been member of the board of several research centres of the CERCA network (CRG; ICFO, CRESIB, among others) and also member of the investment board of INVERTEC. His entrepreneurial activities include the participation in several spin-off companies, and he was the CEO of the first spin-off company of the University of Barcelona (OED). As an independent consultant, he has worked for universities, regional governments, research institutions and investors.
He has been associate professor at ESADE, and he has extensive teaching experience in several universities (UB, UPF). He regularly collaborates with mainstream newspapers and media, generally in research and innovation support and advocacy.

He has a Biology Degree (UB), a Master in Sciences (UB) and an MBA (ESADE).

Plasencia, Antoni

Medical Epidemiology and Public Health specialist and Associated Professor at the University of Barcelona
Plasencia, Antoni
Medical Epidemiology and Public Health specialist and Associated Professor at the University of Barcelona

Dr. Antoni Plasencia is a Medical Epidemiology and Public Health specialist, with more than 35 years of experience in the field of public health and global health systems.
He is currently a Distinguished Fellow and Former Director at the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), as well as Medical Consultant at the Department of International Health of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona and Associated Professor at the University of Barcelona.

He was Director General of Public Health of Catalonia, Spain (2004-2011), and was actively involved in the design of the Catalan Public Health Act, as well as in the creation of the Public Health Agency of Catalonia, as previously of the Barcelona Public Health Agency.

His professional activity focuses mainly on epidemiology and public health, with extensive work in the field of health systems and public health.

He graduated in Medicine (MD) from the University of Barcelona in 1981, and holds a Ph.D. from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (1996) and a Master in Public Health from Yale University, USA (1986), as a Fullbright-la Caixa Scholar.

Ramón, Anna

Responsible for communication at CREAF
Ramón, Anna
Responsible for communication at CREAF

Responsible for communication at the Center for Ecological Research and forestry applications (CREAF) since 2011.
Passionate about corporate communication with more than 10 years of experience in the public research sector. Since 2011 she is managing the communication department of CREAF and giving support to different international projects by defining and carrying out its communication strategy. She is entirely convinced that a good communications strategy can catalyze the impact of science and demonstrate their contribution to a more sustainable and empowered society. To achieve this, the communications strategy has to be part of the culture and identity of the center, and it has to be an integral part of a coordinated strategy responding the corporate objectives.

Degree in Biology (2005 UAB) and Master in Scientific and Environmental Communication (2007 UPF, Barcelona School of Management).

Roig, Olga

Responsible for Internationalization at CREAF
Roig, Olga
Responsible for Internationalization at CREAF

Responsible for Internationalization at CREAF ,since 2011, where she is also part of the Management Support Team, she coordinates the Europa Networks – Beyond MEDECO-HUB project to enhance the internationalization of the centre and is a member of the Equal Gender Opportunity Committee.

Her pre-award activities include the search for public funding opportunities, advice and support to researchers throughout all phases of proposal preparation (collaborative projects, ERC, MSCA) positioning the CREAF’s interests in the European research area and the promotion of the centre at the international level. Since her incorporation it has been involved, among others, in the applications of 17 projects of the FP7 and Horizon 2020, of which 8, 4 of them have been granted coordinated by CREAF (MENFRI (FP7-INCO-609542), BEWATER (FP7-SIS- 612385), LIFE+MEDACC, WATERINNEU ( H2020-WATER-641821).

He has worked for ACC10, the Catalan agency for innovation and internationalization, at the Delegation to the European Union, in Brussels, supporting companies participating in the Framework Programme, technology centres and research groups and learning the functioning of the European Institutions and European funding programmes.

Degree in Biology (UB) and Master in Chemistry and Food Engineering (IQS). EARMA Certificate in Research Management, ARMA UK (2018).

Sanz, Luis

Research Professor of the CSIC in IPP
Sanz, Luis
Research Professor of the CSIC in IPP

Research Professor of the CSIC at the Institute of Public Goods and Policies (IPP), from which he was Director between 2004 and 2015.
He has been a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Higher Council of Scientific Research (CSIC) (2004-2008). He was Chairman of the Committee on Scientific and Technological Policy (CSTP) of the OECD from 2007 to 2015. He has previously been a Professor at the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology of the UCM, between 1982 and 1993, as well as visiting researcher at several research centres abroad, including the University of California at Berkeley (1992-94). He has also had experience in the Public Administration, where he has been Deputy Director General of Planning and Monitoring, in the Secretary of State for Scientific and Technological Policy of the Ministry of Science and Technology (2000-2002) and, previously, Public Administrator in various Departments of the Regional Government of Madrid (1981-1989), such as the Economy were he was Head of the Department of Studies and Analysis. He has published more than a hundred papers on research systems and policies of science, technology and innovation, both in book chapters and academic journals.

PhD in Political Science and sociology from the Complutense University of Madrid (1983).

Tonello, Nadia

Head of Data Management at Barcelona Supercomputing Center
Tonello, Nadia
Head of Data Management at Barcelona Supercomputing Center

Head of Data Management at Barcelona Supercomputing Center.

She leads the Data Management group at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center – National Supercomputing Center, and coordinates the activities of the Center in the EOSC-hub and EOSC-synergy projects since September 2018. It also collaborates directly with the Center of Excellence in Solid Earth Science (ChEESE), with the Spanish node of ELIXIR and with the Spanish Network of Supercomputing.

In 2008 he joined the Port d’Informació Científica (PIC, Barcelona) as a scientific liaison in the data center, responsible for both data transfer operations and image reduction operations, as well as the storage and distribution of results for the center’s cosmology projects.

She has a specialization in Big Data, obtained by the University of San Diego (6 courses in Coursera), and experience as Data Scientist.
She is a member of the EUDAT CDI Executive Board and represents Spain as an alternate on the EOSC Governing Board.

PhD in Physics from the Technical University of Munich (TUM), with a research work in Particle Astrophysics carried out at the Max-Planck-Institut f’r Physik in Munich, Germany.


Rovira, Lluís

Academic Director. Director of evaluation at AGAUR
Rovira, Lluís
Academic Director. Director of evaluation at AGAUR

Director of evaluation at AGAUR (Catalan Agency for University and Research Grants), Generalitat of Catalonia. Previously and for 13 yeras, Director of CERCA, public institution devoted to coordinate, support and facilitate the research activity of 40 R&D Institutes in the area of Barcelona.
He’s worked on research management and evaluation since 1992 at the Generalitat of Catalonia.

He’s promoted, among other issues, the institutional evaluation and the Knowledge and Technology Transfer of CERCA institutes by coordinating some of their actions addressed to develop their own policy, patent technologies, create spin-offs, and disseminate their technological offer among investors and enterprises. Regarding this issue he created the Ginjol-CERCA Patents Fund. He also promoted the creation of the CERCA infrastructure platform (CERCA Ginys).

He is experienced EU evaluator of HRS4R (Euraxess), British Concordat and European projects.

He’s PhD on Biology by the University of Barcelona, 1998 and Master in diplomacy and external action by IBEI (UPF), 2015.

Arocena, Miguel A.

General Manager at Ikerbasque
Arocena, Miguel A.
General Manager at Ikerbasque

General Manager at the Basque Foundation for Science IKERBASQUE.

He started his professional career in 1992 as a teacher in the Department of Graphic Expression and Engineering Projects at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). He leapt to private sector in 1997, where he performed for over a decade positions of direction and management in companies of engineering, die casting and fabrication of components for the automotive sector. He decided, as General Manager, and together with Dr. Carreiras, as Scientific Director, create the Center for Basic Research and Excellence in Cognitive Neuroscience (BCBL) in 2009. After 14 years at BCBL, in 2023 he assumed the responsability of leading Ikerbasque.

He has been a member of the evaluation panel of different research centres of the Catalonia network CERCA and is currently also an external advisor and evaluator of the European Commission for the HRS4R Initiative for Human Resources Management in Research.

PhD in Industrial Engineering from the  UPV/EHU, Master in Business Administration MBA from Deusto´s University of and Specialist in Management in Tech Transfer by ESADE.

Molina, Jon

Deputy Director at the IMDEA Materials Institute
Molina, Jon
Deputy Director at the IMDEA Materials Institute

Deputy Director at the IMDEA Materials Institute and Full Professor at the Technical University of Madrid.

Before joining IMDEA in 2008, he was a researcher at CEIT (2003-2007) and a postdoctoral researcher at Linköping University (2002). He has also held visiting research positions at Intel Corporation (2003), Arizona State University (2015) as a Fulbright Scholar, and at the University of Texas at Arlington (2019). He is an internationally recognized expert in micro- and nano-mechanics, being a pioneer in conducting such tests under extreme environmental conditions (high temperature).

He has received various grants and awards, including the Fulbright Senior Research Scholar (Salvador Madariaga, Ministry of Education, 2015), the I3 program (2008), the Torres Quevedo program (2003), and international predoctoral fellowships from the Basque Government (1998-2002). He was also awarded the 2018 Excellence Award from Carlos III University of Madrid and the “Best Paper Award in JOM 2018” by the Structural Materials Division of TMS.

He has published over 180 articles in leading journals in his field (including Scientific Reports, Acta Materialia, Scripta Materialia, Composite Science and Technology, Nanoscale), and his h-index is 49 (Scopus). He has participated in more than 40 research projects (24 as Principal Investigator), funded by regional, national, and European competitive programs, as well as by companies (ITP Aero, Acciona, etc.). Additionally, he has coordinated two collaborative projects: the European Marie-Curie-Skłodowska DYNACOMP project and the regional MAT4.0-CM project in the area of additive manufacturing.

PhD, University of Cambridge, 2002.

Sanz, Luis

Research Professor of the CSIC in IPP
Sanz, Luis
Research Professor of the CSIC in IPP

Research Professor of the CSIC at the Institute of Public Goods and Policies (IPP), from which he was Director between 2004 and 2015.
He has been a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Higher Council of Scientific Research (CSIC) (2004-2008). He was Chairman of the Committee on Scientific and Technological Policy (CSTP) of the OECD from 2007 to 2015. He has previously been a Professor at the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology of the UCM, between 1982 and 1993, as well as visiting researcher at several research centres abroad, including the University of California at Berkeley (1992-94). He has also had experience in the Public Administration, where he has been Deputy Director General of Planning and Monitoring, in the Secretary of State for Scientific and Technological Policy of the Ministry of Science and Technology (2000-2002) and, previously, Public Administrator in various Departments of the Regional Government of Madrid (1981-1989), such as the Economy were he was Head of the Department of Studies and Analysis. He has published more than a hundred papers on research systems and policies of science, technology and innovation, both in book chapters and academic journals.

PhD in Political Science and sociology from the Complutense University of Madrid (1983).


Arocena, Miguel A.

General Manager at Ikerbasque
Arocena, Miguel A.
General Manager at Ikerbasque

General Manager at the Basque Foundation for Science IKERBASQUE.

He started his professional career in 1992 as a teacher in the Department of Graphic Expression and Engineering Projects at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). He leapt to private sector in 1997, where he performed for over a decade positions of direction and management in companies of engineering, die casting and fabrication of components for the automotive sector. He decided, as General Manager, and together with Dr. Carreiras, as Scientific Director, create the Center for Basic Research and Excellence in Cognitive Neuroscience (BCBL) in 2009. After 14 years at BCBL, in 2023 he assumed the responsability of leading Ikerbasque.

He has been a member of the evaluation panel of different research centres of the Catalonia network CERCA and is currently also an external advisor and evaluator of the European Commission for the HRS4R Initiative for Human Resources Management in Research.

PhD in Industrial Engineering from the  UPV/EHU, Master in Business Administration MBA from Deusto´s University of and Specialist in Management in Tech Transfer by ESADE.

Kogon, Boaz

Responsible for sustainability at Milne AgriGroup
Kogon, Boaz
Responsible for sustainability at Milne AgriGroup

Responsible for sustainability for the agri-food company Milne AgriGroup, based in Perth, Australia.

Previously he was Associate Director of RMIT Europe in Barcelona, ​​responsible for research and innovation, developing strategic alliances across Europe, including two large Marie Curie COFUNDs with over a hundred co-supervised PhD positions between Australia and Europe. He has also been responsible for strategic development for nine years at the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology and has been a consultant in the development of strategic plans and large institutional projects in numerous research institutes.

His core expertise lies in strategic planning and organisational development, including communication, marketing, technology transfer, project management and HR functions, as well as transitional projects such as implementation of business systems and local networks of institutional collaboration.

His broad education includes a BSc (Information Technology and Molecular Biology), a BA (Japanese and Mathematics), and an MSc (Economics of Science and Innovation).


Comella, Joan X.

CEO at VHIR Institut
Comella, Joan X.
CEO at VHIR Institut

CEO at the Vall D’Hebron Research Institut (VHIR) and Scientific Director of EATRIS España 2009.
He combines his scientific activities as IP of the cell signaling group and apoptosis with the management of the center that centralize (brings together) all the biomedical and innovation research carried out at the Vall D’Hebron University Hospital in Barcelona, the major of Catalonia.
He has been Vice-rector of research, third cycle and new technologies of the UdL (1995-2000), Director of the National Agency for Evaluation and Prospective of the Government of Spain (2004-2005), General Manager of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) of the Government of Spain (2005-2006), General Manager of the Fundació Catalana per la Recerca i innovation, FCRI of the Generalitat de Catalunya (2007-2009) and Director of the Institut de Neurociències de la UAB (2007-2009).

Graduate and Doctor of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Barcelona (UB). He has also conducted training in management at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and at IESE-University of Navarra. Professor of Histology from the UdL since 2002 and from the UAB since 2007.

Malagrida, Rosina

Head of the "Living Lab for Health" at IrsiCaixa
Malagrida, Rosina
Head of the "Living Lab for Health" at IrsiCaixa

Head of the “Living Lab for Health” at IrsiCaixa, which aims to establish and facilitate systemic innovation networks where different actors work on complex and persistent health challenges to increase their collective impact. They contribute to transforming the health research and innovation system by making it more open, inclusive, collaborative, and distributed, with a transdisciplinary and systemic approach. They conduct research and consulting, using participatory research processes for strategic planning, training, and facilitation of multi-actor innovation processes. Over the past 15 years, they have participated as principal investigator in more than 10 EU-funded projects related to RRI (Responsible Research and Innovation), transdisciplinary research, and systemic innovation.

She combines this activity with training that she offers in undergraduate and postgraduate courses at the University of Barcelona and the UOC, as well as in other research centres, universities and innovation agencies, training more than 6.500 researchers and innovators.

Degree in Chemical Sciences from the University of Barcelona, Master in Scientific Communication from the Imperial College London, with a scholarship from the Obra Social “La Caixa”, and Postgraduate in Strategic Direction of Communication by ESADE.

Nagore, Arkaitz

Director of Management and Legal Affairs at MPC
Nagore, Arkaitz
Director of Management and Legal Affairs at MPC

He is currently the Director of Management and Legal Affairs at the MPC-Materials Physics Center Research Association, based at the Center for Materials Physics in Donostia – San Sebastián. He began his career in the private sector and later developed his professional activity in entities belonging to the public sector, especially those dedicated to research activities.

He holds a Law degree from the Public University of Navarre and completed the Master’s in Legal Practice and the Master’s in Business Law at the University of Deusto. Subsequently, he completed a specialization program in International Trade Law offered by UNED in collaboration with the University of the Basque Country.



Plasencia, Antoni

Medical Epidemiology and Public Health specialist and Associated Professor at the University of Barcelona
Plasencia, Antoni
Medical Epidemiology and Public Health specialist and Associated Professor at the University of Barcelona

Dr. Antoni Plasencia is a Medical Epidemiology and Public Health specialist, with more than 35 years of experience in the field of public health and global health systems.
He is currently a Distinguished Fellow and Former Director at the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), as well as Medical Consultant at the Department of International Health of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona and Associated Professor at the University of Barcelona.

He was Director General of Public Health of Catalonia, Spain (2004-2011), and was actively involved in the design of the Catalan Public Health Act, as well as in the creation of the Public Health Agency of Catalonia, as previously of the Barcelona Public Health Agency.

His professional activity focuses mainly on epidemiology and public health, with extensive work in the field of health systems and public health.

He graduated in Medicine (MD) from the University of Barcelona in 1981, and holds a Ph.D. from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (1996) and a Master in Public Health from Yale University, USA (1986), as a Fullbright-la Caixa Scholar.


Badía, David

Managing Director at FRCB-IDIBAPS
Badía, David
Managing Director at FRCB-IDIBAPS

Managing Director at Fundación de Recerca Clínic Barcelona-Institut de Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer (FRCB-IDIBAPS).

With more than 25 years of experience in the R&D sector in Catalonia, he began his activity in 1997 at the Institute of Food and Agricultural Research and Technology  (IRTA), where he developed as Head of Administration and Treasury and, later, as CFO. He has managed differente research centres and infrastructures: National Center for Genomic Analysis CNAG (2010- 2013), and the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalunya IBEC (2013-2023). He has been a member of the Board of Trustees of 4 research centers.

Degree in Business Administration from Pompeu Fabra University (1999) and a Management Development Program at the ESADE Business School (2009).

Carnie, Chris

Co-founder of Factary
Carnie, Chris
Co-founder of Factary

Co-founder of Factary. Expert in fundraising.
Chris is a researcher, consultant and trainer in philanthropy and fundraising. He has worked in the non-profit sector since 1980, initially as a fundraiser in the UK. He was a researcher in the House of Commons 1982-84 working on rights for people with disabilities. In 1990 he co-founded Factary, Europe’s leading fundraising research agency.

Today he is a consultant, working with international NGOs on philanthropy programs and large donors (“strategic donors”). He has experience in philanthropy and fundraising in Europe, Latin America, Africa and the Arab Emirates.

Chris has been involved in the development of philanthropy in Europe since 2000 through philanthropic associations (Impact Europe, Philea and others), and fundraising associations (he is an honorary member of the Chartered Institute of Fundraising, and a member since 2003 of the Spanish Fundraising Association).

He is a teacher in fundraising masterclasses, co-creator of the online course “Fundraising with Major Donors in Europe”, and a teacher in fundraising in a Master’s degree at the University of Barcelona. Chris is the author of “How Philanthropy is Changing in Europe” and other fundraising books, articles and blogs.

He studied BSc Hons at the University of Southampton.

López, Javier

Director of Social Impact Santander Universities
López, Javier
Director of Social Impact Santander Universities

Director of Social Impact Santander Universities and expert in technology transfer.
He has extensive experience as an expert in technology transfer and science management, working as a consultant for relevant research centres in Catalonia, Galicia and Madrid, as well as for other institutions linked to the world of Research in Spain, Mexico, Chile and Colombia. He has been vice president of the Spanish Association of Foundations and director of the Fundación Barrie, from which he promoted, among other subjects, an intense activity of support to the scientific career and the transfer of technology, emphasizing the launching and management of one of the first proof-of-concept funds of our country (Science Fund). Previously, he has held other positions related to technology transfer (FEUGA, Fundación Empresa Universidad Gallega) and venture capital specializing in technology-based companies (UNIRISCO, UNINVEST and Fund Undertake).
He has participated in training programs related to the in strategic management and social leadership at IESE and is a regular Professor of the Master of Banking and Finance at the University of Santiago de Compostela.

Degree in Economics from the University of Santiago de Compostela.


Pola, Emilià

Executive Director of ICREA
Pola, Emilià
Executive Director of ICREA

Executive Director of ICREA, the Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies.
He was the first director of the CERCA programme, and before that he was advisor to the Ministry of Universities and Research. He was the managing director of ACER, the Catalan Association of Research Entities, of which he later on became Secretary of the Board. For five years he was the General Director of IDIBELL, a large hospital research centre.
He has been member of the board of several research centres of the CERCA network (CRG; ICFO, CRESIB, among others) and also member of the investment board of INVERTEC. His entrepreneurial activities include the participation in several spin-off companies, and he was the CEO of the first spin-off company of the University of Barcelona (OED). As an independent consultant, he has worked for universities, regional governments, research institutions and investors.
He has been associate professor at ESADE, and he has extensive teaching experience in several universities (UB, UPF). He regularly collaborates with mainstream newspapers and media, generally in research and innovation support and advocacy.

He has a Biology Degree (UB), a Master in Sciences (UB) and an MBA (ESADE).


Méndez, Raúl

Co-founder of Research Marks Analytics
Méndez, Raúl
Co-founder of Research Marks Analytics

With 20 years of experience in bibliometric analysis, he has developed his career as a researcher in the field of bibliometrics and within various organizations dedicated to science management.

Since 2020, he has been the co-founder of Research Marks Analytics, a company specializing in bibliometrics and scientific data analysis, based in Barcelona. His company is known for creating the ONE Research Community platform, which offers specific services for researchers, including access to bibliometric indicators, global partner searches, and researcher benchmarking. His work in advising for the Severo Ochoa and María de Maetzu Centers of Excellence programs stands out, demonstrating his ability to support excellence in scientific research.

Degree in Biology from the University of Barcelona. MBA from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.

Ramón, Anna

Responsible for communication at CREAF
Ramón, Anna
Responsible for communication at CREAF

Responsible for communication at the Center for Ecological Research and forestry applications (CREAF) since 2011.
Passionate about corporate communication with more than 10 years of experience in the public research sector. Since 2011 she is managing the communication department of CREAF and giving support to different international projects by defining and carrying out its communication strategy. She is entirely convinced that a good communications strategy can catalyze the impact of science and demonstrate their contribution to a more sustainable and empowered society. To achieve this, the communications strategy has to be part of the culture and identity of the center, and it has to be an integral part of a coordinated strategy responding the corporate objectives.

Degree in Biology (2005 UAB) and Master in Scientific and Environmental Communication (2007 UPF, Barcelona School of Management).


Rovira, Lluís

Academic Director. Director of evaluation at AGAUR
Rovira, Lluís
Academic Director. Director of evaluation at AGAUR

Director of evaluation at AGAUR (Catalan Agency for University and Research Grants), Generalitat of Catalonia. Previously and for 13 yeras, Director of CERCA, public institution devoted to coordinate, support and facilitate the research activity of 40 R&D Institutes in the area of Barcelona.
He’s worked on research management and evaluation since 1992 at the Generalitat of Catalonia.

He’s promoted, among other issues, the institutional evaluation and the Knowledge and Technology Transfer of CERCA institutes by coordinating some of their actions addressed to develop their own policy, patent technologies, create spin-offs, and disseminate their technological offer among investors and enterprises. Regarding this issue he created the Ginjol-CERCA Patents Fund. He also promoted the creation of the CERCA infrastructure platform (CERCA Ginys).

He is experienced EU evaluator of HRS4R (Euraxess), British Concordat and European projects.

He’s PhD on Biology by the University of Barcelona, 1998 and Master in diplomacy and external action by IBEI (UPF), 2015.


Rovira, Lluís

Academic Director. Director of evaluation at AGAUR
Rovira, Lluís
Academic Director. Director of evaluation at AGAUR

Director of evaluation at AGAUR (Catalan Agency for University and Research Grants), Generalitat of Catalonia. Previously and for 13 yeras, Director of CERCA, public institution devoted to coordinate, support and facilitate the research activity of 40 R&D Institutes in the area of Barcelona.
He’s worked on research management and evaluation since 1992 at the Generalitat of Catalonia.

He’s promoted, among other issues, the institutional evaluation and the Knowledge and Technology Transfer of CERCA institutes by coordinating some of their actions addressed to develop their own policy, patent technologies, create spin-offs, and disseminate their technological offer among investors and enterprises. Regarding this issue he created the Ginjol-CERCA Patents Fund. He also promoted the creation of the CERCA infrastructure platform (CERCA Ginys).

He is experienced EU evaluator of HRS4R (Euraxess), British Concordat and European projects.

He’s PhD on Biology by the University of Barcelona, 1998 and Master in diplomacy and external action by IBEI (UPF), 2015.

Arocena, Miguel A.

General Manager at Ikerbasque
Arocena, Miguel A.
General Manager at Ikerbasque

General Manager at the Basque Foundation for Science IKERBASQUE.

He started his professional career in 1992 as a teacher in the Department of Graphic Expression and Engineering Projects at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). He leapt to private sector in 1997, where he performed for over a decade positions of direction and management in companies of engineering, die casting and fabrication of components for the automotive sector. He decided, as General Manager, and together with Dr. Carreiras, as Scientific Director, create the Center for Basic Research and Excellence in Cognitive Neuroscience (BCBL) in 2009. After 14 years at BCBL, in 2023 he assumed the responsability of leading Ikerbasque.

He has been a member of the evaluation panel of different research centres of the Catalonia network CERCA and is currently also an external advisor and evaluator of the European Commission for the HRS4R Initiative for Human Resources Management in Research.

PhD in Industrial Engineering from the  UPV/EHU, Master in Business Administration MBA from Deusto´s University of and Specialist in Management in Tech Transfer by ESADE.

Díaz, Aïda

Management at AGAUR
Díaz, Aïda
Management at AGAUR

Management at Generalitat of Catalonia, she works in the Internationalization Area of ​​the Agency for Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR) since 2008.
She has participated in different research projects in the field of public administration and local government and has completed several research stages in England, Denmark and Mexico. She has worked in different research entities. She provides guidance, practical information, training and assistance on all aspects of participation in different European and international research programmes. She also coordinates several European projects from AGAUR. She has been a member of the Spanish delegation in different EU Research Work Programme Committees in Brussels (Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions, International Cooperation, Science and Society or Social Challenge 6).

Bachelor and Diploma in Research Proficiency (DEA) in Political Science and Administration (International Relations) from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Molina, Jon

Deputy Director at the IMDEA Materials Institute
Molina, Jon
Deputy Director at the IMDEA Materials Institute

Deputy Director at the IMDEA Materials Institute and Full Professor at the Technical University of Madrid.

Before joining IMDEA in 2008, he was a researcher at CEIT (2003-2007) and a postdoctoral researcher at Linköping University (2002). He has also held visiting research positions at Intel Corporation (2003), Arizona State University (2015) as a Fulbright Scholar, and at the University of Texas at Arlington (2019). He is an internationally recognized expert in micro- and nano-mechanics, being a pioneer in conducting such tests under extreme environmental conditions (high temperature).

He has received various grants and awards, including the Fulbright Senior Research Scholar (Salvador Madariaga, Ministry of Education, 2015), the I3 program (2008), the Torres Quevedo program (2003), and international predoctoral fellowships from the Basque Government (1998-2002). He was also awarded the 2018 Excellence Award from Carlos III University of Madrid and the “Best Paper Award in JOM 2018” by the Structural Materials Division of TMS.

He has published over 180 articles in leading journals in his field (including Scientific Reports, Acta Materialia, Scripta Materialia, Composite Science and Technology, Nanoscale), and his h-index is 49 (Scopus). He has participated in more than 40 research projects (24 as Principal Investigator), funded by regional, national, and European competitive programs, as well as by companies (ITP Aero, Acciona, etc.). Additionally, he has coordinated two collaborative projects: the European Marie-Curie-Skłodowska DYNACOMP project and the regional MAT4.0-CM project in the area of additive manufacturing.

PhD, University of Cambridge, 2002.

Sanz, Luis

Research Professor of the CSIC in IPP
Sanz, Luis
Research Professor of the CSIC in IPP

Research Professor of the CSIC at the Institute of Public Goods and Policies (IPP), from which he was Director between 2004 and 2015.
He has been a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Higher Council of Scientific Research (CSIC) (2004-2008). He was Chairman of the Committee on Scientific and Technological Policy (CSTP) of the OECD from 2007 to 2015. He has previously been a Professor at the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology of the UCM, between 1982 and 1993, as well as visiting researcher at several research centres abroad, including the University of California at Berkeley (1992-94). He has also had experience in the Public Administration, where he has been Deputy Director General of Planning and Monitoring, in the Secretary of State for Scientific and Technological Policy of the Ministry of Science and Technology (2000-2002) and, previously, Public Administrator in various Departments of the Regional Government of Madrid (1981-1989), such as the Economy were he was Head of the Department of Studies and Analysis. He has published more than a hundred papers on research systems and policies of science, technology and innovation, both in book chapters and academic journals.

PhD in Political Science and sociology from the Complutense University of Madrid (1983).


Arocena, Miguel A.

General Manager at Ikerbasque
Arocena, Miguel A.
General Manager at Ikerbasque

General Manager at the Basque Foundation for Science IKERBASQUE.

He started his professional career in 1992 as a teacher in the Department of Graphic Expression and Engineering Projects at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). He leapt to private sector in 1997, where he performed for over a decade positions of direction and management in companies of engineering, die casting and fabrication of components for the automotive sector. He decided, as General Manager, and together with Dr. Carreiras, as Scientific Director, create the Center for Basic Research and Excellence in Cognitive Neuroscience (BCBL) in 2009. After 14 years at BCBL, in 2023 he assumed the responsability of leading Ikerbasque.

He has been a member of the evaluation panel of different research centres of the Catalonia network CERCA and is currently also an external advisor and evaluator of the European Commission for the HRS4R Initiative for Human Resources Management in Research.

PhD in Industrial Engineering from the  UPV/EHU, Master in Business Administration MBA from Deusto´s University of and Specialist in Management in Tech Transfer by ESADE.

Kogon, Boaz

Responsible for sustainability at Milne AgriGroup
Kogon, Boaz
Responsible for sustainability at Milne AgriGroup

Responsible for sustainability for the agri-food company Milne AgriGroup, based in Perth, Australia.

Previously he was Associate Director of RMIT Europe in Barcelona, ​​responsible for research and innovation, developing strategic alliances across Europe, including two large Marie Curie COFUNDs with over a hundred co-supervised PhD positions between Australia and Europe. He has also been responsible for strategic development for nine years at the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology and has been a consultant in the development of strategic plans and large institutional projects in numerous research institutes.

His core expertise lies in strategic planning and organisational development, including communication, marketing, technology transfer, project management and HR functions, as well as transitional projects such as implementation of business systems and local networks of institutional collaboration.

His broad education includes a BSc (Information Technology and Molecular Biology), a BA (Japanese and Mathematics), and an MSc (Economics of Science and Innovation).


Comella, Joan X.

CEO at VHIR Institut
Comella, Joan X.
CEO at VHIR Institut

CEO at the Vall D’Hebron Research Institut (VHIR) and Scientific Director of EATRIS España 2009.
He combines his scientific activities as IP of the cell signaling group and apoptosis with the management of the center that centralize (brings together) all the biomedical and innovation research carried out at the Vall D’Hebron University Hospital in Barcelona, the major of Catalonia.
He has been Vice-rector of research, third cycle and new technologies of the UdL (1995-2000), Director of the National Agency for Evaluation and Prospective of the Government of Spain (2004-2005), General Manager of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) of the Government of Spain (2005-2006), General Manager of the Fundació Catalana per la Recerca i innovation, FCRI of the Generalitat de Catalunya (2007-2009) and Director of the Institut de Neurociències de la UAB (2007-2009).

Graduate and Doctor of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Barcelona (UB). He has also conducted training in management at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and at IESE-University of Navarra. Professor of Histology from the UdL since 2002 and from the UAB since 2007.

Malagrida, Rosina

Head of the "Living Lab for Health" at IrsiCaixa
Malagrida, Rosina
Head of the "Living Lab for Health" at IrsiCaixa

Head of the “Living Lab for Health” at IrsiCaixa, which aims to establish and facilitate systemic innovation networks where different actors work on complex and persistent health challenges to increase their collective impact. They contribute to transforming the health research and innovation system by making it more open, inclusive, collaborative, and distributed, with a transdisciplinary and systemic approach. They conduct research and consulting, using participatory research processes for strategic planning, training, and facilitation of multi-actor innovation processes. Over the past 15 years, they have participated as principal investigator in more than 10 EU-funded projects related to RRI (Responsible Research and Innovation), transdisciplinary research, and systemic innovation.

She combines this activity with training that she offers in undergraduate and postgraduate courses at the University of Barcelona and the UOC, as well as in other research centres, universities and innovation agencies, training more than 6.500 researchers and innovators.

Degree in Chemical Sciences from the University of Barcelona, Master in Scientific Communication from the Imperial College London, with a scholarship from the Obra Social “La Caixa”, and Postgraduate in Strategic Direction of Communication by ESADE.

Nagore, Arkaitz

Director of Management and Legal Affairs at MPC
Nagore, Arkaitz
Director of Management and Legal Affairs at MPC

He is currently the Director of Management and Legal Affairs at the MPC-Materials Physics Center Research Association, based at the Center for Materials Physics in Donostia – San Sebastián. He began his career in the private sector and later developed his professional activity in entities belonging to the public sector, especially those dedicated to research activities.

He holds a Law degree from the Public University of Navarre and completed the Master’s in Legal Practice and the Master’s in Business Law at the University of Deusto. Subsequently, he completed a specialization program in International Trade Law offered by UNED in collaboration with the University of the Basque Country.



Plasencia, Antoni

Medical Epidemiology and Public Health specialist and Associated Professor at the University of Barcelona
Plasencia, Antoni
Medical Epidemiology and Public Health specialist and Associated Professor at the University of Barcelona

Dr. Antoni Plasencia is a Medical Epidemiology and Public Health specialist, with more than 35 years of experience in the field of public health and global health systems.
He is currently a Distinguished Fellow and Former Director at the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), as well as Medical Consultant at the Department of International Health of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona and Associated Professor at the University of Barcelona.

He was Director General of Public Health of Catalonia, Spain (2004-2011), and was actively involved in the design of the Catalan Public Health Act, as well as in the creation of the Public Health Agency of Catalonia, as previously of the Barcelona Public Health Agency.

His professional activity focuses mainly on epidemiology and public health, with extensive work in the field of health systems and public health.

He graduated in Medicine (MD) from the University of Barcelona in 1981, and holds a Ph.D. from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (1996) and a Master in Public Health from Yale University, USA (1986), as a Fullbright-la Caixa Scholar.


Badía, David

Managing Director at FRCB-IDIBAPS
Badía, David
Managing Director at FRCB-IDIBAPS

Managing Director at Fundación de Recerca Clínic Barcelona-Institut de Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer (FRCB-IDIBAPS).

With more than 25 years of experience in the R&D sector in Catalonia, he began his activity in 1997 at the Institute of Food and Agricultural Research and Technology  (IRTA), where he developed as Head of Administration and Treasury and, later, as CFO. He has managed differente research centres and infrastructures: National Center for Genomic Analysis CNAG (2010- 2013), and the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalunya IBEC (2013-2023). He has been a member of the Board of Trustees of 4 research centers.

Degree in Business Administration from Pompeu Fabra University (1999) and a Management Development Program at the ESADE Business School (2009).

Carnie, Chris

Co-founder of Factary
Carnie, Chris
Co-founder of Factary

Co-founder of Factary. Expert in fundraising.
Chris is a researcher, consultant and trainer in philanthropy and fundraising. He has worked in the non-profit sector since 1980, initially as a fundraiser in the UK. He was a researcher in the House of Commons 1982-84 working on rights for people with disabilities. In 1990 he co-founded Factary, Europe’s leading fundraising research agency.

Today he is a consultant, working with international NGOs on philanthropy programs and large donors (“strategic donors”). He has experience in philanthropy and fundraising in Europe, Latin America, Africa and the Arab Emirates.

Chris has been involved in the development of philanthropy in Europe since 2000 through philanthropic associations (Impact Europe, Philea and others), and fundraising associations (he is an honorary member of the Chartered Institute of Fundraising, and a member since 2003 of the Spanish Fundraising Association).

He is a teacher in fundraising masterclasses, co-creator of the online course “Fundraising with Major Donors in Europe”, and a teacher in fundraising in a Master’s degree at the University of Barcelona. Chris is the author of “How Philanthropy is Changing in Europe” and other fundraising books, articles and blogs.

He studied BSc Hons at the University of Southampton.

López, Javier

Director of Social Impact Santander Universities
López, Javier
Director of Social Impact Santander Universities

Director of Social Impact Santander Universities and expert in technology transfer.
He has extensive experience as an expert in technology transfer and science management, working as a consultant for relevant research centres in Catalonia, Galicia and Madrid, as well as for other institutions linked to the world of Research in Spain, Mexico, Chile and Colombia. He has been vice president of the Spanish Association of Foundations and director of the Fundación Barrie, from which he promoted, among other subjects, an intense activity of support to the scientific career and the transfer of technology, emphasizing the launching and management of one of the first proof-of-concept funds of our country (Science Fund). Previously, he has held other positions related to technology transfer (FEUGA, Fundación Empresa Universidad Gallega) and venture capital specializing in technology-based companies (UNIRISCO, UNINVEST and Fund Undertake).
He has participated in training programs related to the in strategic management and social leadership at IESE and is a regular Professor of the Master of Banking and Finance at the University of Santiago de Compostela.

Degree in Economics from the University of Santiago de Compostela.


Bustos, Regla

Technical Advisor to the State Research Agency
Bustos, Regla
Technical Advisor to the State Research Agency

Technical Advisor to the State Research Agency.

Her tasks in scientific management began in 2015 after joining the General Sub-Direction of Research Projects as Area Manager. She has participated in the evaluation and follow-up of calls for R&D&I grants, including those of the State Research Plan or the Severo Ochoa Centers of Excellence among others.

During her doctoral thesis and her first postdoctoral stay at the Carlos III Institute of Health (ISCIII, Madrid) she worked on various aspects of immunological cell metabolism as well as in the biology of the human Respiratory Syncytial Virus. Postdoctoral researcher at the John Innes Center (Norwich, Uk) where she worked exploring the biotechnological applications of starch. After a research phase at the National Center for Biotechnology (CNB, Madrid) studying the regulation of gene expression in plants, she joined as a staff researcher in 2009 the National Institute of Agricultural Research (INIA, Madrid) where she continued her work focusing on the analysis and modification of potato starch characteristics.

This long research career has resulted in numerous relevant scientific contributions in the form of international impact publications as well as a licensed patent.

Dr. Regla Bustos obtained her PhD in Biological Sciences in 1992.

Pola, Emilià

Executive Director of ICREA
Pola, Emilià
Executive Director of ICREA

Executive Director of ICREA, the Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies.
He was the first director of the CERCA programme, and before that he was advisor to the Ministry of Universities and Research. He was the managing director of ACER, the Catalan Association of Research Entities, of which he later on became Secretary of the Board. For five years he was the General Director of IDIBELL, a large hospital research centre.
He has been member of the board of several research centres of the CERCA network (CRG; ICFO, CRESIB, among others) and also member of the investment board of INVERTEC. His entrepreneurial activities include the participation in several spin-off companies, and he was the CEO of the first spin-off company of the University of Barcelona (OED). As an independent consultant, he has worked for universities, regional governments, research institutions and investors.
He has been associate professor at ESADE, and he has extensive teaching experience in several universities (UB, UPF). He regularly collaborates with mainstream newspapers and media, generally in research and innovation support and advocacy.

He has a Biology Degree (UB), a Master in Sciences (UB) and an MBA (ESADE).


Arguimbau, Llorenç

Consultant and professor at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Arguimbau, Llorenç
Consultant and professor at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Consultant specialized in scientific information, among others, of the Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST), the Bioinformatics Barcelona Association (BIB) and the Banking Foundation “La Caixa”.

Collaborating professor at the Universitat Oberta de Catalonia (UOC) since 2007. Coordinator of the Observatori de la Recerca de l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans (2003-2016).
He has participated in various research projects with state and regional funding. In addition, he has published journal articles and studies on scientific areas (medicine, microbiology, chemistry, documentation, etc.); documentary typologies (doctoral theses, articles, etc.); R&D&I systems (Reports de la recerca to Catalunya).

Doctor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), with a doctoral thesis on scientific and technological information (2010); Bachelor’s degree in Art History (1998); and graduated in Biblioteconomy and Documentation (1992) from the University of Barcelona (UB).

Bertero, Michela

Strategy Director at IDIBAPS
Bertero, Michela
Strategy Director at IDIBAPS

Strategy Director at the Agusti Pi i Sunyer Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBAPS) in Barcelona (Spain).
She oversees the strategic plan of the institute, and coordinates diverse areas, including technology transfer, science communication, scientific career development and training, as well as the technology platforms and laboratory support services.

Previously, she held the position of Head of International and Scientific Affairs at the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) in Barcelona. Her department´s mission was to strengthen the international and interdisciplinary dimension of the institute and create new opportunities for the scientific community by fostering new strategic partnerships and alliances. She played a fundamental role in the creation of the European Alliance in life sciences, called EU-LIFE (, that she represented in the European Open Science Policy Platform advising Commissioner Moedas. She also coordinated the H2020 project ORION on Open Science. Prior to joining the CRG, she worked as postdoctoral researcher in molecular and structural biology at the Gene Center of the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich (Germany), and at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver (Canada), where she focused on the functional and structural characterization of large macromolecular complexes.

Michela holds a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology from the University of Pavia (Italy), where she studied transcription regulation in bacterial motility.

Morales, Mónica

Head of central facilities at the Center for Genomic Regulation
Morales, Mónica
Head of central facilities at the Center for Genomic Regulation

Head of central facilities at the Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG, Barcelona).
She worked as an associate researcher at the BioMedical Research Institute (IRB, Barcelona, 2007-2012), studying the function and therapeutic potential of metastasis tumor suppressor genes. Project manager at the Genomic Regulation Center (CRG, Barcelona), where she was subsequently appointed as head of central facilities (2013-present). She is responsible for the operational and financial management of the basic facilities program (which includes 7 basic facilities and 2 internal services), while ensuring the provision of cutting-edge technologies and services and coordinating network and network activities spread among others.
Represents the CRG in the EU-Life Alliance (eulife.EU) central facilities working group.

Monica Morales completed her doctoral studies (Barcelona, 2002) and moved to Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (New York, 2002-2007) where she performed a postdoctoral tour on DNA damage signaling pathways and repair mechanisms.

Ramón, Anna

Responsible for communication at CREAF
Ramón, Anna
Responsible for communication at CREAF

Responsible for communication at the Center for Ecological Research and forestry applications (CREAF) since 2011.
Passionate about corporate communication with more than 10 years of experience in the public research sector. Since 2011 she is managing the communication department of CREAF and giving support to different international projects by defining and carrying out its communication strategy. She is entirely convinced that a good communications strategy can catalyze the impact of science and demonstrate their contribution to a more sustainable and empowered society. To achieve this, the communications strategy has to be part of the culture and identity of the center, and it has to be an integral part of a coordinated strategy responding the corporate objectives.

Degree in Biology (2005 UAB) and Master in Scientific and Environmental Communication (2007 UPF, Barcelona School of Management).

Tonello, Nadia

Head of Data Management at Barcelona Supercomputing Center
Tonello, Nadia
Head of Data Management at Barcelona Supercomputing Center

Head of Data Management at Barcelona Supercomputing Center.

She leads the Data Management group at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center – National Supercomputing Center, and coordinates the activities of the Center in the EOSC-hub and EOSC-synergy projects since September 2018. It also collaborates directly with the Center of Excellence in Solid Earth Science (ChEESE), with the Spanish node of ELIXIR and with the Spanish Network of Supercomputing.

In 2008 he joined the Port d’Informació Científica (PIC, Barcelona) as a scientific liaison in the data center, responsible for both data transfer operations and image reduction operations, as well as the storage and distribution of results for the center’s cosmology projects.

She has a specialization in Big Data, obtained by the University of San Diego (6 courses in Coursera), and experience as Data Scientist.
She is a member of the EUDAT CDI Executive Board and represents Spain as an alternate on the EOSC Governing Board.

PhD in Physics from the Technical University of Munich (TUM), with a research work in Particle Astrophysics carried out at the Max-Planck-Institut f’r Physik in Munich, Germany.


Rovira, Lluís

Academic Director. Director of evaluation at AGAUR
Rovira, Lluís
Academic Director. Director of evaluation at AGAUR

Director of evaluation at AGAUR (Catalan Agency for University and Research Grants), Generalitat of Catalonia. Previously and for 13 yeras, Director of CERCA, public institution devoted to coordinate, support and facilitate the research activity of 40 R&D Institutes in the area of Barcelona.
He’s worked on research management and evaluation since 1992 at the Generalitat of Catalonia.

He’s promoted, among other issues, the institutional evaluation and the Knowledge and Technology Transfer of CERCA institutes by coordinating some of their actions addressed to develop their own policy, patent technologies, create spin-offs, and disseminate their technological offer among investors and enterprises. Regarding this issue he created the Ginjol-CERCA Patents Fund. He also promoted the creation of the CERCA infrastructure platform (CERCA Ginys).

He is experienced EU evaluator of HRS4R (Euraxess), British Concordat and European projects.

He’s PhD on Biology by the University of Barcelona, 1998 and Master in diplomacy and external action by IBEI (UPF), 2015.

García, Jose Luis

Research Professor at the CSIC Center for Biological Research
García, Jose Luis
Research Professor at the CSIC Center for Biological Research

Professor of Research at the Centre for Biological Research (Madrid) of the CSIC and leader of the Environmental Biotechnology group. In addition, he is Acting Director of the Institute of Integrative Systems Biology (I2Sysbio) mixed institute of the CSIC and the University of Valencia (Scientific Park, Paterna).

He has worked as a professor at the UCM and as Head of Research Group at the company Antibiotics SA.
His research expertise focuses on various aspects of the fields of biochemistry, genomics and biotechnology with more than 300 publications between articles and patents with an h-index of 53.
He has held various positions in scientific policy as National and European Programme Manager at CICYT and other ministries, such as EXPLORA Program Manager of MINECO and the IED, as Assistant Director-General for Research at the CSIC, as Advisor in the Ministry of Science and Innovation and Collaborator of the Secretary of State for R&D&I, and National Representative of the ERC Programme of the European Programme H2020.

He has been founder and President of the Spanish Biotechnology Society. He is currently a Member of the Science, Technology and Innovation Advisory Board, and CYTED Program Manager (Area 3. Industrial Development). He has founded three companies dedicated to genome analysis (Lifesequencing S.L.), genetic diagnosis (Secugen S.L.) and bioprospecting microorganisms (Darwin Bioprospecting Excellence S.L.).

PhD in Chemistry and Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry and Pharmacy from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM).

Guerra, Luis

Spanish Delegate on the EIC Committee of Horizon Europe
Guerra, Luis
Spanish Delegate on the EIC Committee of Horizon Europe

Spanish Delegate on the EIC Committee of Horizon Europe and National Contact Point.
Innovation Policy Department at CDTI.  Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities.

Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering with over 20 years of experience in R&D&I at the European level, both from the perspective of research and management. He started by writing proposals and executing collaborative research projects within the VI Framework Programme for R&D&I in the field of passive vehicle safety. At the beginning of the VII Framework Programme for R&D&I (2007), he shifted from research to management and began working at CDTI as a National Contact Point and Spanish Delegate for the SME program. Since then, VII Framework Programme (2007-2014), Horizon 2020 (2014-2020), and Horizon Europe (2021-2027), his work has involved negotiating with the European Commission and other countries on the work programs for these SME instruments and facilitating access to them by informing and advising Spanish tech startups and spin-offs seeking to apply.

During his time at CDTI, he has continued writing proposals and executing European coordination and support actions (nine in total, two as coordinator). He has also accompanied Spanish companies through their application processes to EIC programs (e.g., Spanish EIC plug-in or welcome space support) and has helped design and test national support programs before deployment (e.g., interview simulations or the National Seal of Excellence call).

Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering (Mechanical Engineering specialization), Polytechnic University of Madrid.

Marcipar, Javier

General manager at CIMNE Tecnología
Marcipar, Javier
General manager at CIMNE Tecnología

General manager at CIMNE Tecnología, since 2011.
He has started his professional career in 1999 as a researcher at the International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE) where he has specialized in inflatable structures. He has created his own company spin-off in 2001, Buildair Ingeniería y Arquitectura S.A. devoted to the design, manufacturing and world-wide marketing of large scale inflatable hangars. Since 2011 he is the Managing Director of CIMNE Tecnología, S.A, a company created to transfer scientific technologies developed as a result of research to the market through the creation of spin-off. His professional profile is a technological entrepreneur in the industrial sector and specializes in technology transfer models and processes related to science in engineering. He has extensive experience in the creation of technology-based companies, industry-oriented innovation processes and the financing of new companies.

Civil engineer from the National University of Rosario in Argentina and Master in Business and Technology by La Salle in Barcelona.

Mayer, Katja

Sociologist at the University of Vienna, Department of Science and Technology Studies
Mayer, Katja
Sociologist at the University of Vienna, Department of Science and Technology Studies

Katja Mayer is a sociologist at the University of Vienna, Department of Science and Technology Studies. Her research examines the interactions between social science methods and their public spheres, focusing on the cultural, ethical and socio-technical challenges at the interface of computer science, social sciences and society. In addition, she is Senior Scientist at the Center for Social Innovation in Vienna and Associate Researcher at the University of Vienna’s ‘Responsible Research and Innovation in Scientific Practice’ platform. She is also a member of the Open Access Network Austria’s core team, co-heading the ‘National Strategy for the Transition to Open Science’ working group.

Roig, Olga

Responsible for Internationalization at CREAF
Roig, Olga
Responsible for Internationalization at CREAF

Responsible for Internationalization at CREAF ,since 2011, where she is also part of the Management Support Team, she coordinates the Europa Networks – Beyond MEDECO-HUB project to enhance the internationalization of the centre and is a member of the Equal Gender Opportunity Committee.

Her pre-award activities include the search for public funding opportunities, advice and support to researchers throughout all phases of proposal preparation (collaborative projects, ERC, MSCA) positioning the CREAF’s interests in the European research area and the promotion of the centre at the international level. Since her incorporation it has been involved, among others, in the applications of 17 projects of the FP7 and Horizon 2020, of which 8, 4 of them have been granted coordinated by CREAF (MENFRI (FP7-INCO-609542), BEWATER (FP7-SIS- 612385), LIFE+MEDACC, WATERINNEU ( H2020-WATER-641821).

He has worked for ACC10, the Catalan agency for innovation and internationalization, at the Delegation to the European Union, in Brussels, supporting companies participating in the Framework Programme, technology centres and research groups and learning the functioning of the European Institutions and European funding programmes.

Degree in Biology (UB) and Master in Chemistry and Food Engineering (IQS). EARMA Certificate in Research Management, ARMA UK (2018).