1 Owner’s ID


Spanish Tax ID No. (CIF/NIF): G 15051667

Registered Office: Rúa Lope Gómez de Marzoa, s/n, 15701, Santiago de Compostela.

Telephone: + 34 981 534180

E-mail: feuga@feuga.es

2 Object
These terms and conditions shall regulate the website use the Owner provides for users, and may be modified without prior notice. You are therefore advised to consult them at regular intervals, especially prior to making effective use of the products and/or services thereon.

3 Terms and conditions of access and use
Access to the website is free and implies the condition of User, providing access to the contents therein as well as the possibility of contacting its administrators.
Users must therefore read, understand and accept these terms and conditions of use prior to browsing and/or using the services, which imply explicit acceptance and adherence thereto under the following terms and conditions: i) An undertaking to use the resources diligently, with strict compliance with the legislation currently in force, in accordance with good practice and ‘netiquette’; in other words, the generally accepted rules of Internet behaviour; ii) Users shall accept the terms and conditions or rules of participation for a specific service or resource as and when necessary, as stated explicitly in each case, and; iii) Users may not use the website outside the terms and conditions contained herein, specifically for any purposes that are illicit or contrary to morals of public order in any manner whatsoever, or that may constitute an offence.
Likewise, should comments or opinion posts be permitted, the Owner accepts no responsibility whatsoever for the opinions given by third parties, and also reserves the right to erase or even refrain from publishing those that may be considered offensive or unsuitable, or, otherwise when it has effective knowledge of the published contents.

4 Intellectual and Industrial Property
The Owner holds full rights over the website, its logos, layout, images and elements included in the object code, as well as the source code programming and engineering. All these elements, as well as the publications included, are protected by Spanish and European regulations governing intellectual and industrial property.
The total or partial reproduction, adaptation, modification or public release of the website contents in any manner and using any mechanical, manual or other means are strictly forbidden without the express authorisation of the Owner.

5 Personal Data Protection
The Owner has taken all technical and organisational security measures, as required by data protection regulations, specifically Organic Law 15/1999 on the Protection of Personal Data, or any regulations that may replace or execute it, and European General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679.
Full details are available for consultation under the Privacy Policy section.

6 Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
These General Terms and Conditions are governed by laws of Spain. Any disputes shall be submitted to the courts and tribunals of the city of Santiago de Compostela, with the express waiver of any other general or special jurisdiction which the parties may be entitled to.