Technical Advisor to the State Research Agency.
Her tasks in scientific management began in 2015 after joining the General Sub-Direction of Research Projects as Area Manager. She has participated in the evaluation and follow-up of calls for R&D&I grants, including those of the State Research Plan or the Severo Ochoa Centers of Excellence among others.
During her doctoral thesis and her first postdoctoral stay at the Carlos III Institute of Health (ISCIII, Madrid) she worked on various aspects of immunological cell metabolism as well as in the biology of the human Respiratory Syncytial Virus. Postdoctoral researcher at the John Innes Center (Norwich, Uk) where she worked exploring the biotechnological applications of starch. After a research phase at the National Center for Biotechnology (CNB, Madrid) studying the regulation of gene expression in plants, she joined as a staff researcher in 2009 the National Institute of Agricultural Research (INIA, Madrid) where she continued her work focusing on the analysis and modification of potato starch characteristics.
This long research career has resulted in numerous relevant scientific contributions in the form of international impact publications as well as a licensed patent.
Dr. Regla Bustos obtained her PhD in Biological Sciences in 1992.