The closing ceremony of the 2nd edition of the Training Program in Strategic and Operational Management of Research Centers and Units of Excellence (GESCI & GOSCI) took place on June 30 in the Convention Hall of the CINC Building at the City of Culture.
The event counted on the presence of the Counsellor of Education, University and Professional Training, Carmen Pomar Tojo attended by the Director General of Feuga, Javier Pereiro Pérez who started the event. The Assitant General Director for University Scientific and Technological Promotion, Mª Jesús Tallón Nieto was also present.
Javier Pereiro, after welcoming the assintants, highlighted the features that define the program that is a pioneer in Spain, and introduced the event’s speakers: Lluís Rovira, Academic Director of the program and Director of the CERCA Network of Catalonia and Daniel Zajfman, guest speaker and former president of the Weizmann Institute of Science (WIS).
The first one made a general evaluation of the development of the 2019/20 edition of the GESCI & GOSCI training program and gave way to the speaker who focused his intervention on good management practices in a research center and on the challenges that innovation compared to basic science.
Then, Rovira and Zajfman had a dialogue based on questions asked by the assitants of the event and which addressed aspects such as the WIS strategy for attracting research talent, the necessary balance between the institutional orientation of research and the particular interests of scientists and researchers, as well as the main mechanisms to promote basic research from government and university institutions.
The event was closed by Carmen Pomar, who highlighted the strategic value of this initiative for the Xunta de Galicia to raise the levels of excellence and positioning of the research centers of the University System of Galicia.