Responsible for Internationalization at CREAF ,since 2011, where she is also part of the Management Support Team, she coordinates the Europa Networks – Beyond MEDECO-HUB project to enhance the internationalization of the centre and is a member of the Equal Gender Opportunity Committee.
Her pre-award activities include the search for public funding opportunities, advice and support to researchers throughout all phases of proposal preparation (collaborative projects, ERC, MSCA) positioning the CREAF’s interests in the European research area and the promotion of the centre at the international level. Since her incorporation it has been involved, among others, in the applications of 17 projects of the FP7 and Horizon 2020, of which 8, 4 of them have been granted coordinated by CREAF (MENFRI (FP7-INCO-609542), BEWATER (FP7-SIS- 612385), LIFE+MEDACC, WATERINNEU ( H2020-WATER-641821).
He has worked for ACC10, the Catalan agency for innovation and internationalization, at the Delegation to the European Union, in Brussels, supporting companies participating in the Framework Programme, technology centres and research groups and learning the functioning of the European Institutions and European funding programmes.
Degree in Biology (UB) and Master in Chemistry and Food Engineering (IQS). EARMA Certificate in Research Management, ARMA UK (2018).