Malagrida, Rosina

Head of the “Living Lab for Health” at IrsiCaixa, which aims to establish and facilitate systemic innovation networks where different actors work on complex and persistent health challenges to increase their collective impact. They contribute to transforming the health research and innovation system by making it more open, inclusive, collaborative, and distributed, with a transdisciplinary and systemic approach. They conduct research and consulting, using participatory research processes for strategic planning, training, and facilitation of multi-actor innovation processes. Over the past 15 years, they have participated as principal investigator in more than 10 EU-funded projects related to RRI (Responsible Research and Innovation), transdisciplinary research, and systemic innovation.

She combines this activity with training that she offers in undergraduate and postgraduate courses at the University of Barcelona and the UOC, as well as in other research centres, universities and innovation agencies, training more than 6.500 researchers and innovators.

Degree in Chemical Sciences from the University of Barcelona, Master in Scientific Communication from the Imperial College London, with a scholarship from the Obra Social “La Caixa”, and Postgraduate in Strategic Direction of Communication by ESADE.