From 18-10-2024 to 11-04-2025 at FEUGA’s headquarters in Santiago de Compostela

Registration deadline 2-10-2024

Managers play a crucial role in research centre activity

Any R&D institution initiative for change and improvement requires managers and directors to speak the same language as well as their alignment and commitment to securing a change of direction within the organisation.
GOSCI is a training programme that aims to promote the management of the changes that are essential to ensure major progress for Galicia’s scientific system. It will address GESCI programme contents from a technical perspective, focusing particularly on financial and management aspects.

Fundamental training to:

  • Optimise internal management and align your organisation with international standards.
  • Contribute from your area of activity to the scientific-technological excellence and leadership of your institutions.



The optimization of organizational and economic operations of research institutions.
Regular scientific and institutional assessment of the centre and contribute to making it the key element for ongoing improvement and a fundamental reference of its activity.
The research centre management team in their objective of leading Galician R&D institutions based on efficiency, responsibility and scientific excellence.


  • Organizational structure of European and international research centres and institutions: RIKEN, CNRS, Max Planck, Fraunhofer, etc.
  • Organizational structure of Spanish research centres and institutions (CSIC)
  • IMDEA research system
  • Basque research system
  • The European research environment: key changes, future perspectives, and new opportunities
  • Main international and European funding programmes (Horizon Europe, Missions, MSCA,…)
  • Strategy in the field of science. Vision and mission
  • Setting strategic objectives: From diagnosing the current situation to formulating and implementing the strategy
  • The Balanced Scorecard. Usefulness, design, implementation and and case studies of research centres
  • Government bodies. Actors, roles and responsibilities
  • Internal organization. Leadership, scientific structure, and management structure
  • Advisory bodies: Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) and Business Advisory Board (BAB)
  • Regulatory framework. State and regional legislation and internal regulations applicable to the various legal forms supporting research centres
  • Challenges in managing inter-university research centres
  • Excellence and Responsible Research & Innovation (RRI)
  • Economic and financial principles. Economic planning and management in a research centre. Tax considerations
  • Economic and financial principles II. Economic-financial obligations in a research centre (public budget, annual accounts, audits) and how to implement an Integrated Management System
  • Competitive public funds. The regional, national and European funding environment (special reference to the ERC, SeO and ISCIII initiatives). Organizational structures that optimize competitive fundraising
  • Fundraising in the field of R&D
  • Development of an institutional fundraising strategy. Communication and marketing strategies
  • Private funds. Relations with business and strategic alliances


  • Talent attraction and retention. Calls and welcome programmes. Best practices
  • Recruitment and selection
  • Research Managers: recognition, training, and mobility at the European level
  • The European competence framework for researchers (ResearchComp)
  • The new Charter for researchers
  • Gender balance and multiculturalism.
  • Performance evaluation (individual versus research groups)
  • Research project management
  • Technological Platforms and Infraestructures Management
  • Transfer project management
  • IP protection. Patents and other protection forms
  • Communication and scientific dissemination. Strategies to promote scientific outreach
  • Quality policies as an instrument to improve the functioning of research organizations
  • Scientific output and bibliometric analysis: practical application
  • Development of a Data Management Plan (DMP)
  • Open Access and Open Data policy
  • Management of scientific integrity
  • Creation and Management of Spin-off Companies (4 hours)
  • European Innovation Council (EIC) (4 hours)
  • Research Impact Assessment (RIA) Strategy (4 horas)
  • Creativity: How to Generate Innovative Proposals for Projects (8 hours)
  • Institutional Assessment (4 hours)
  • Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment: CoARA (2 hours)
  • FEDER Funds (4 hours)
  • AI Applied to Project Writing (4 hours)
Download full programme

Information of interest

Operational Management in Research Centres (GOSCI)

Start: 18/10/2024
End: 11/04/2025
Friday mornings and afternoons
In-person (some sessions may beheld via real-time video conference)
Spanish / English
FREE REGISTRATION. Training financed by the Department of Education, Science, Universities, and Professional Training of Galicia
Limited places


Sede Feuga - Santiago de Compostela
Rúa Lope Gómez de Marzoa, s/n. Campus Vida. 15705 Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña)
981 534 180

Registration form

Registration deadline 2/10/2024