CEO and co-founder at IEC, start-up dedicated to the development of solutions for smart cities.
He combines this function with the professor of Business Design & Lean Startup at the School of Industrial organization EOI. He´s an entrepreneur, mentor and teacher, with more than ten years of experience in the development and management of technological businesses, being one of the most recognized experts in the field of Lean Startup.
He has been a speaker at such important events as TEDx, Expomanagement, Salón MiEmpresa, ESL, BSE, etc. He is also a member of the Advisory Committee of ICSE (International Center Santander Undertake) and of Lazarus of the Fundación Caja Rural Castilla la Mancha. Mentor in the start-up program NEXT Google for Entrepreneur, mentor in Samba Health, Startup Dragon, Yuzz as well as Punctual collaborations in a significant number of accelerators in Spain and Ibero-America.
Telecommunications Engineer and Executive MBA. He has a scholarship holder in the Imagine Creative Center innovation program in San Francisco and the Babson College in Boston.